Civility and Collaboration Training








Our research suggests that only 31% of employees are trained in workplace communication and only 21% of senior leaders are trained on how to create belonging in the workplace.

Key communication and collaboration behaviors can be taught; just like with other leadership/soft skills, it is a matter of identifying and developing specific skillets.

What We Do

Orange Grove integrates cognitive-behavioral research into skill development to ensure participants practice applying newly learned skills.

  • Theory put into practice – we teach key skills because lectures alone don’t work
  • Using the latest in adult-learning for both virtual and in-person training, we use highly interactive and engaging approaches to increase learning retention

The Value

 21st Century leadership skills are good leadership skills.

Development efforts directly impact employee engagement and growth.

All employees deserve the opportunity to bring their full selves to work – and their commitment and output are demonstrably greater when they are allowed to express their full selves.

Training & Development: Who

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Focused skill development of leaders to increase key competencies.

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Support women as they advance to higher levels in their careers with focused leadership skills

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All Staff

Develop the fundamental skills across the organization

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Expand ERG strength to create groups which help drive the business forward

custom solutions


Leverage the strength of the network to provide focused skill development

Training & Development: How


3 to 6-month development programs for full integration of skills; combination of synchronous (virtual or in-person) & asynchronous content, accountability partners, inter-session practice


Live, facilitated (virtual or in-person) session for direct interaction with learners for small or large cohorts


Budget-friendly, self-paced through an engaging portal for targeted skill set acquisition

Training by Topic

Whether offered as stand-alone training or through a multi-session program, our training is designed to teach real-world skills that can be applied immediately for increased impact.

Within a variety of format and training methods, we deliver impactful training on relevant topics.

Key to building inclusion is using allyship across the organization. We define what Allyship is (and how it differs from mentorship and sponsorship), why it’s important and what research demonstrates. Most importantly we share four specific steps to take to become an ally across demographic groups.

Managing conflict and having candid conversation is often layered with fear and awkwardness. This training outlines specific communication skills to honor all perspectives in a conflict situation. By anticipating reactions in the moment and preparing for the resistance, leaders are prepared to successfully manage the inevitable conflict that occurs on teams. We train leaders to create a safe environment, manage optimal levels of conflict and resolve it before it becomes personal.

A deep dive into the behavioral psychology of decision making, detailing how the brain makes assumptions and how that can result in poor decision-making. We teach leaders how to slow down their thinking and reframe the narrative to ensure decisions are strategic & based on rational analysis.

Focuses on the magic that effective leaders create – developing skills in facilitation and inclusive decision making that brings together the team’s various experiences and perspectives to create something larger than the component parts.

In this workshop, learners are taught a cross-cultural functional framework that follows a cognitive to action model of application as learners are engaging with unfamiliar cultures. Skillsets taught include listening, perspective-taking, and inquiry.

The pandemic presented the world with the opportunity to transform the workplace. This session helps teams to develop key practices around decision making, information sharing, and use of digital tools so that teams can leverage the most effective work approach for the team and team members.

This session does a deep dive on how to facilitate team meetings that are inclusive, integrate the best ideas across the team, and effective – for both in-person and virtual meetings. This session helps any meeting leader acquire the skills to move team meetings from ”lecture at” to collaborate with, ensuring that all team members can contribute meaningfully and proactively.

This session builds on skills taught in Difficult Conversations. It will continue to foster skills through case-studies and role playing focused on inclusive communication that leverage perspective-taking and deep listening.

Participants will review the pillars of effective customer relations (skilled communication, authenticity, honesty, connection) while reflecting on how to best create an inclusive customer experience. The session will be highly interactive, using scenarios that enable participants to reflect and practice the art of inclusive customer relations.

Hiding big parts of who you are is a common response to external bias and unwanted stereotypes. The problem is, this makes you feel disconnected from the group and constantly on guard. It also impacts your ability to lead with your strengths. This session helps uncover some of the assumptions behind this behavior and provides methods for leading with strengths and expressing more authenticity at work.

This training contextualizes feedback and provides managers with the skills they need to foster effective psychological safety, reduce bias in the feedback process and share feedback so that it emphasizes behavior change. The goal is to further empower managers to leverage feedback to foster trust and performance. This can be presented as a stand-alone training or can be presented as part of a multi-series Inclusive Leadership program.

This session has two main objectives: definition & impact of microaggressions, and strategies for avoidance and addressing them when encountered. Using research and case studies, this session offers real-world examples and recommended skills to apply immediately to negative micro-messages.

Lack of psychological safety means employees are fearful of judgment & retribution, and wary of admitting mistakes. In psychologically safe environments, teams easily and naturally collaborate and innovate, and employees feel more engaged. This workshop teaches the components necessary for psychological safety and a roadmap for how to create psychological safety, for everyone in the workplace – managers and direct contributors alike.

“I learned a great deal in a very short amount of time, which is a testament to their command of the subject matter and ability to present it in a clear and highly engaging way.”

-Enterprise Insurance Company


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