Integrating Inclusive Hiring & Promotion Practices For Talent Management
In this session, we discuss why companies looking to increase employee engagement should hire, promote and train for inclusive leadership behaviors. We’ll discuss the benefit for companies to integrate inclusive perspectives into their talent and performance management as well as outline common gaps between existing processes and processes developed through an inclusive lens.
HR’s Key Contribution to Inclusivity: Competencies
Integrating perspectives through inclusive leadership competencies has many benefits for companies. We’ll discuss the common gaps between existing competencies and inclusive competencies, how they differ at different levels of organization, and why companies looking to to increase retention, engagement and competitiveness need to reward inclusive leadership.
L&D’s Key Contribution to Inclusivity: Inclusive Training
Wondering why companies looking to increase retention, engagement and competitiveness should train for inclusive leadership behaviors? Learn about the benefits for companies to integrate inclusive perspectives into their training as well as common gaps between existing training and training developed through an inclusive lens.