
Our approach is two-pronged: We train high potential women and the leaders around them to recognize barriers to women’s leadership development and remove or neutralize them by training new skills and encouraging their practice.  We then provide a scaffold for the organization to apply our techniques more widely for systemic change.

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Our leading-edge classroom techniques are based upon 20+ years of cumulative teaching experience, adult learning and experiential theory.  We encourage practice for immediate reinforcement.  Classes are engaging and collaborative, yet powerfully reflective.

Classroom Approach



Our suite of Women’s Leadership Master Classes uniquely address the underlying assumptions of what it means to be a high potential woman struggling to integrate work and life. This series of workshops helps develop more confident leaders and key influencers.  Women emerge from these courses with a clearer vision of career success a new set of advanced leadership skills to help them accomplish their goals.

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Courses are offered in a number of flexible formats and can be customized to an organization’s specific needs:

  1. 6-1/2day Women’s Leadership Master Class | Internalize, develop and practice Orange Line skills over six months with supplemental coaching between sessions
  2. 3-day, Intensive Women’s Leadership Master Class | An intensive retreat-style learning format
  3. ½ Day Mini Impact Skills™  |  A mini-version of the 6-day class
  4. Lunch and Learn   |  A one hour introduction to key concepts
  5. Train the Trainer | Deliver your own internal program
  6. Dig Deeper™ Small Group Coaching Sessions | Embed, integrate and deepen the learning
  7. Change the Way We Work™ Workshop | Think disruptively and redesign your work environment